Friday, 28 February 2014

BLDEU-UGET 2014 2015 entrance exam pattern dates Syllabus application form result

Entrance Exam 2014-2015


B.L.D.E. University invites Application for ALL INDIA UNDER GRADUATE MEDICAL ENTRANCE TEST – 2014 (BLDEU-UGET-2014) from eligible Candidates for admission to SHRI. B. M. PATIL MEDICAL COLLEGE, HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE, BIJAPUR, the constituent college.

Selection Process:
After the BLDE UGET 2014 has been conducted a selection panel comes up with a merit list based on the marks secured by the candidates in BLDE UGET 2014, the merit list is published on the official website of the conducting authority and candidates are called upon for seat allocation and counseling.

Exam Pattern:
BLDE UGET 2014 will be a 3 hour exam consisting of 180 questions with each question carrying 1 mark. 60 questions each will be asked from Physics, Chemistry and Biology There will be no Negative marking for a wrong response.

Exam Syllabus:
BLDE UGET 2014 will be based on the standard 1st and 2nd PUC syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

How To Apply:
Online Application form
The candidate will be required to first logon to the official website and fill in the online application form.

Important Dates:
Last date to download the Application Form 10th May 2014
Last Date of receiving the Application form along with enclosures 16th May 2014
BLDE UGET 2014 Entrance Test 25th May 2014 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
For details visit