Tuesday, 11 February 2014

IICD Jaipur Admission 2014-2015 Application Form Prospectus Diploma in Craft Design

Indian Institute of Crafts and Design (IICD Jaipur)

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Craft Design
Under Graduate Professional Diploma in Craft Design

The Institute will conduct aptitude tests and interview for admission to the programs at Jaipur. The Application Form with the Prospectus is available on payment of Rs 750/- either in caBh or through DD in favour of Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, payable at Jaipur. The form can also be downloaded from the IICD website and submitted alongwith prescribed application fees.

Indian Institute of Crafts and Design (IICD Jaipur)
Website: www.iicd.ac.in 
For details visit www.iicd.ac.in