Saturday, 28 December 2013

Apeejay School of Management PGDM Admission 2014-2015 GD PI Dates

Apeejay School of Management (ASM New Delhi)

ASM New Delhi PGDM Admission 2014-2015

PGDM Customer Relationship Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
PGDM International Business

Admission Procedure: Apeejay School of Management considers CAT score for its PGDM programme and CAT / MAT / XAT / GMAT scores for admission to its specialized PGDM programmes: PGDM–CRM and PGDM-IB. The admissions are based on the following parameters:
1.    Graduation / Post Graduation degree percentage
2.    CAT / MAT / XAT / GMAT admission test score
3.    Group Discussion and Personal Interview performance (GD/PI)

Apeejay School of Management (ASM New Delhi)
New Delhi  
For details visit