Saturday, 21 December 2013

WBJEE 2014-2015 Entrance Test dates online application form fees

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) 2014-2015

Entrance Exam 2014-2015

It is the Common Entrance Test for admission to different degree level courses in Medical, Dental, Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in Universities, Government Colleges as well as Self Financing Technological Institutes in West Bengal.

Application Procedure:
Application has to be filled up ONLINE at the portal of the Board.
Candidates need to visit the portal and click the requisite link online application WBJEEM-2014 and thereafter will be directed to the actual application form.

Important Dates:
Online form submission:  18th December 2013 to 20th January 2014
Date of Examination Biological Sc. 19th April 2014
Date of Examination Maths, Physics, Chemistry 20th April 2014
Fee payment 18th December 2013 to 23rd January 2014 11:59:59 PM
For details visit