Monday, 23 December 2013

CLAT 2014 Entrance Exam dates application form Pattern online

Entrance Exam 2014-2015

CLAT 2014, Common Law Admission Test 2014

CLAT 2014 application form
Only online applications will be accepted from this year onwards, by making a payment of Rs.4000 only (Rs.3500 in case of SC/ST candidates on submission of proof) excluding the bank charges.
You can also apply online. The online payment for applying for CLAT-2013 can be made through net-banking, debit card, credit card, etc. In case of online application, the candidates will have to bear the additional transaction costs for remitting the fees online through payment gateways.
Online application for CLAT 2014 will be active from 1 January - 31 March, 2014.

Admission Procedure:
In case of equal marks secured by candidates, the procedure to break the tie will be as per the following order:
i.        Higher marks in the section of legal aptitude in CLAT-2014
ii.      Higher age
iii.    Computerized draw of lots

Exam Pattern:
The CLAT-2014 Question Paper for UG courses shall multiple choice type questions as per the following scheme
Maximum Marks: 200
Duration of CLAT-2014: 02:00 Hours
Total Number of Questions: 200
Negative Marking: 0.25 Mark/wrong answer

Last date for submission of application form to apply: 31st Mar 2014
Date of Exam: 11th May, 2014 (Sunday) between 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.
For details visit