Monday, 23 December 2013

Jaypee Business School MBA Admission 2014-2015 GD PI application form

Jaypee Business School

Admission 2014-2015

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Selection Process: Applicants seeking admission are required to have qualified in CAT2013/MAT-February, 2013 onwards.
Shortlisted applicants only (on the basis of relative merit amongst received applications) will be called for Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI)
Submission of application does not qualify the candidate for GD/PI and no refund of application fee permissible on any account
The final selection will be based on the test score, language proficiency and performance in the GD and PI
Obtain the application form from JIIT in person or by sending the application fee of Rs.1250/- or downloading the same from the JIIT website or apply online by logging on to

Jaypee Business School
Uttar Pradesh 
For details visit