Tuesday, 24 December 2013

UPES-MET Management Entrance Test 2014 online application form dates prospectus

Entrance Exam 2014-2015

UPES-MET Management Entrance Test 2014

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun has announced the exam dates for UPES Management Entrance Test (UPES-MET 2014), which will be conducted in February 2014. The UPES-MET exam will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2014.

Candidates need to apply online.
Candidates can collect UPES prospectus and application form by sending a demand draft in favour of "UPES Fee Account", payable at New Delhi/Dehradun along with request letter or by cash payment from admission counters at Ahmedabad / Chandigarh / Cochin / Coimbatore / Delhi / Dehradun / Hyderabad / Kolkata / Mumbai.
The cost of the prospectus and application form by demand draft/online is Rs.1850/- and Rs.1750/- by cash.

Important Dates:
Last date to receive the filled in application (OMR form/online): Friday, February 07, 2014.
Date of UPES-MET exam: Saturday, February 22, 2014.
For details visit http://www.upes.ac.in/