Friday, 31 January 2014

Bharathidasan Institute of Management BIM MBA Admission 2014-2015 application form date

Bharathidasan Institute of Management, BIM, Tiruchirapalli 

Admission 2014-2015

Master of Business Administration MBA

Prospectus and Applications can be obtained by any of the following ways:
By sending a Demand Draft for Rs. 1400/- (SC/ST Rs.920/-) along with two self-addressed slips by regular mail to the BIM address given below.
By online registration at with an option to pay either by Demand Draft by Credit Card.  For Credit card payments an amount of Rs. 1,520/- should be paid instead of Rs. 1400/- 

Bharathidasan Institute of Management, BIM, Tiruchirapalli 
For details visit