Saturday, 4 January 2014

MDI Gurgaon FPM PGPM EFPM Admission 2014-2015 application form

Management Developement Institute (MDI Gurgaon) 

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGPM) (Part-Time)
Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGDM) Part Time
Executive Fellow Program in Management (EFPM)
Fellow Program in Management (FPM)

Application Form
The FPM / EFPM information Brochure along with the application form can be obtained from October 01, 2013 to January 31, 2014 through payment of Rs. 1800/- in cash. Applicants can also apply online at and send the same along with a crossed demand draft for Rs. 1800/- in favour of “Management Development Institute”, payable at New Delhi. Alternatively, candidates can fill online application and make online payment. The last date for submission of filled-in application form is January 31, 2014.

Management Developement Institute (MDI Gurgaon) 
For details visit