Friday, 10 January 2014

IPE Hyderabad PGDM Admission 2014-2015 application form gd pi date

Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE Hyderabad)

IPE Hyderabad Admission 2014-2015

Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management (EPGDM) 
Post-Graduate Diploma in Management Biotechnology (PGDMBT) Admission 2014-2016
Post Graduate Diploma in Management International Business (PGDMIB) 
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Banking Insurance and Financial services (PGDMBIF) 
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Retail and Marketing (PGDMRM) 
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 

Selection: Selection will be based on the performance of the candidates in CAT/XAT/MAT/ATMA/CMAT/GMAT, GD and PI and consistent academic records

Application form: IPE application can be obtained from the Admission Officers, IPE, OU Campus, Hyderabad-50007 by payment in cash of Rs. 750/- or by a crossed demand draft in favour of Institute of Public Enterprise, payable at Hyderabad to obtain by post. The application form can also be downloaded from the institute’s website

Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE Hyderabad)
For details visit