Saturday, 18 January 2014

ISBM Pune PGPM PGDBM PGPF PGPIB Admission 2014-2015 Online Registration

International School of Business and Media (ISBM Pune)

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain and Operations Management (PGDSCOM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) (Insurance and Risk Management)
Post Graduate Programme in Insurance and Banking (PGPIB)
Post Graduate Programme in Finance (PGPF)
Post Graduate Programme in Marketing (PGPM)

Online Registration
The applicant can the applicant is to fill in his/her personal information, give the payment particulars of Demand Draft number and date, and submit the Form online. The applicant will take the printout of ISB&M Application Form, fill in all the necessary details, paste his/her recent photograph and sign across the photograph. 

International School of Business and Media (ISBM Pune)
For details visit