Saturday, 18 January 2014

NAARM Hyderabad PGDMA Admission 2014-2015 GD/PI dates form

National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM Hyderabad)

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Diploma in Management Agriculture, (PGDMA)

Applicants should apply through the on-line application link available at Academy’s website After on-line submission, a print out of filled-in application and photocopies of relevant documents along with demand draft of Rs.500/-

Admission Process: The admission to PGDMA would be based on CAT 2013 / CMAT 2013 Scores, Academic record, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. (GD/PI Dates) The applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of CAT 2013/CMAT 2013 Scores. 

National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM Hyderabad)
For details visit