Monday, 24 March 2014

COMEDK UGET-2014 Entrance Exam prospectus admit card Result date application form

COMEDK UGET-2014 Entrance Exam prospectus admit card Result date application form

Entrance Exam 2014-2015

COMEDK UGET-2014 Entrance Examination 2014

MBBS (Medical): 4 ½ years; 1-Internship in year; Commencement of the academic year: 01st Aug 2014
BDS (Dental): 4 years; 1-Internship in year; Commencement of the academic year: 01st Aug 2014
BE (Bachelor of Engineering): 4 years; Not Applicable (Internship in year); Commencement of the academic year: 01st Aug 2014
B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture): 5 years; Not Applicable (Internship in year); Commencement of the academic year: 01st Aug 2014
Branches offered for B.E. in various Engineering Colleges

Selection Procedure: on the basis of the scores in COMEDK UGET 2014
Paper Pattern:
Candidates will be tested in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry with 180 questions (60 questions each)
Duration of the exam will be 3 hours
Candidates have to mark their answers on an OMR sheet
Each correct answer will fetch one mark.
There will be no negative marking.
In case the candidate gives two answers to the same question, it will be considered as wrong.
If there is a tie in the score, the board will consider the number of wrong and unattended answers to come to the final conclusion.

Important Dates:
Start sale of prospectus: March 11, 2014.
Last date for receipt of application: April 12, 2014.
Admit Card from: April 25, 2014
Test Date: May 11, 2014
Result: May 30, 2014.
For details visit