Tuesday, 25 March 2014

IIRM PGDAS IPGDRM IPGDGI IPGDLI Admission 2014-2015 from date

Institute of Insurance and Risk Management, IIRM, Hyderabad 

Admission 2014-2015

PG Diploma in Actuarial Sciences [PGDAS]
International Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management (IPGDRM) 
International Post Graduate Diploma in General Insurance (IPGDGI) 
International Post Graduate Diploma in Life Insurance (IPGDLI) 

Applications can be obtained from the Institute against payment of Rs 300/- payable by demand draft from any scheduled bank favoring I1RM, payable at Hyderabad. Applications can also be downloaded from the Institute's website and sent to the Institute along with a DD for Rs 300/-. Defective applications without registration fees will not be considered.

Institute of Insurance and Risk Management, IIRM, Hyderabad 
Website: www.iirmworld.org.in 
For details visit www.iirmworld.org.in