Tuesday, 18 March 2014

NIRD Hyderabad PGDRDM Admission 2014-2015 application form Prospectus Entrance Test date

National Institute of Rural Development, NIRD, Hyderabad

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development Management (PGDRDM) Admission 2014

Prospectus-cum-application form can be downloaded from our website (www.nird.org.in/pgdrdm). The filled in application form should be submitted along with the application fee of Rs.500 (Rs.3007- for SC/ST and PWD candidates) through an Account Payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of NIRD - PGDRDM, payable at Hyderabad. 
Entrance Test: 04th May, 2014
Last date for Submission form: 21st April, 2014

National Institute of Rural Development, NIRD, Hyderabad
University of Hyderabad 
Website: www.nird.org.in   
For complete details visit www.nird.org.in