Sunday, 16 March 2014

NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad MSTL MALATM Admission 2014 GD PI dates

NALSAR University of Law, NALSARUL, Hyderabad

Admission 2014-2015

Master's Degree in Space and Telecommunication Laws (MSTL)
Master's Degree in Aviation Law and Air Transport Management (MALATM)

ADMISSION PROCEDURE: Interested candidates are required to submit on or before April 30, 2014, the filled-in Application Form available on the website, along with Statement of Purpose (SOP), an attested copy of the Degree/ Diploma Certificate and a Demand Draft for Rs. 1,000/- drawn in favour of "Registrar, NALSAR-CASL A/c", payable at Hyderabad. Classes will commence from July, 2014

SELECTION PROCESS: The selection would be based on (i) the written performance in SOR (ii) Group Discussion and (iii) Interview. CENTRES: Hyderabad and New Delhi. GD PI dates

NALSAR University of Law, NALSARUL, Hyderabad
For details visit