Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Symbiosis MSc BSc Economics Admission 2014-2015 form date fees

Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune 

Symbiosis Admission 2014-2015

MSc in Economics
Bachelor of Science (BSc) (Economics)

Pay a non-refundable fee of Rs 1400/- towards the Test Fee and the prospectus of undergraduate programmes of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) The SIDU Admission Cell will courier a copy of prospectus to the address registered at www.set-test.org
You may transfer your SET test fee to Symbiosis Test Secretariat account using Net Banking option.
Last date for Submission form: 15th May, 2014

Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune 
Website: www.sse.ac.in  
For details visit www.sse.ac.in