Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Allahabad University BPEd BA LLB MBA BSc Admission 2014-2015 online registration application form date download

Allahabad University BPEd BA LLB MBA BSc Admission 2014-2015 online registration application form date download   

Allahabad University 

Admission 2014-2015

Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd)
Bachelor of Law (LLB)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) LLB (Hons.)

Forms can be obtained on Cash payment from Pravesh Bhawan, Chatham Lines, University of Allahabad. Allahabad-211002 and ONLINE registration & submission could be done through our website.
Submission of Forms at: ONLINE / By hand / Speed Post (Courier Not Accepted) that MUST REACH to The Director (Admission), Pravesh Bhawan, Chatham Lines, University of Allahabad. Allahabad-211002 (UP) till 5 P.M. on the last date of submission.

Allahabad University 
For details visit