Wednesday, 30 April 2014

CDAC Mumbai Admission 2014-2015 Post Graduate Diploma application form fees

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, CDAC, Mumbai

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Diploma in Embedded Systems Design
Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing
Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Informatics
Post Graduate Diploma in Geoinformatics

The application fee can be paid using both credit and debit cards through the payment gateway provided along with the online application. Candidates are advised to follow the instructions / steps given therein, and also print/ keep the transaction details for their records

Cash: The application fee can also be paid in cash at any of the C-DAC centres or C-DAC's Authorised Training Centres (ATC) listed on website

After filling the online application, the applicant should print the form and submit it personally along with the fee (in cash) at any of the C-DAC training centres on or before the last date of application

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, CDAC, Mumbai
For details visit