Monday, 28 April 2014

CUK Gulbarga MBA MSW MSc MA Admission 2014-2015 Application form Test dates prospectus download Entrance Exam fees

CUK Gulbarga MBA MSW MSc MA Admission 2014-2015 Application form Test dates prospectus download Entrance Exam fees  

Central University of Karnataka (CUK Gulbarga)

CUK Gulbarga Admission 2014-2015

M.Sc. chemistry, M.Sc. in Geology and Geoinformatics, M.Sc. in Geography and Geoinformatics, M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Physics, M.A. Economics, MA in English, M.A.Hindi, MA in Kannada, Master of Social Work (M.S.W.), MBA

Application form, instructions for filling the form and Admission Test Brochure 2014-15 can be downloaded from university

Central University of Karnataka Entrance Exam fees for online application is General and OBC Rs. 100 and for SC/ST/PH Rs. 50.

Candidate can apply online and rensd complete application form with DD drawn in favour of Central University of Karnataka payable at gulbarga.
Entrance Test: 7, 8 & 9 June 2014 
Last date for Submission form: 30th May, 2014

Central University of Karnataka (CUK Gulbarga)
For details visit