Wednesday, 30 April 2014

XLRI Jamshedpur PGP-CEM Admission 2014-2015 online application form prospectus download

XLRI Jamshedpur PGP-CEM Admission 2014-2015 online application form prospectus download 

Xavier Labour Relations Institutes (XLRI Jamshedpur) 

XLRI Jamshedpur Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Programme for Certificate in Entrepreneurship Management (PGP-CEM)

Application Procedure: To get admission into PGP-CEM, candidates are required to submit the application first online and then through hard copy along with a recently taken Passport-size Photograph pasted on the completed Application Form and a Demand Draft for Rs 200 only drawn In favour of "XLRI, Jamshedpur" payable at Jamshedpur. To register for online application, the candidates are to visit the website and click on "Apply for Registration".

Xavier Labour Relations Institutes (XLRI Jamshedpur) 
For details visit