Wednesday, 23 April 2014

IIMC Admission 2014 PGDJ PGDRTJ PGDAPR prospectus Application form download

IIMC Admission 2014-2015 PGDJ PGDRTJ PGDAPR prospectus Application form download 

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC New Delhi)

Admission 2014-2015

Post-graduate Diploma in Journalism Oriya
Post Graduate Diploma in Radio and Television Journalism (PGDRTJ) 
Post-graduate Diploma in Journalism (Hindi) [New Delhi]
Post-graduate Diploma in Journalism (PGDJ) (English), New Delhi
Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations (PGDAPR) [New Delhi]

Application forms and prospectus can be obtained on payment of Rs.1200/- for general category and Rs.1100/- for SC/ST/OBC/PH category through a demand draft only, drawn on any scheduled bank payable to Registrar IIMC at New Delhi, from IIMC New Delhi or IIMC Dhenkanal (Odisha)
Request for application forms should be accompanied by a Demand Draft & a self-addressed stamped Rs 70/- envelope (27 x 17 cm)
For Online Application Process: The application form can be filled after downloading from

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC New Delhi)
New Delhi 
For details visit