Sunday, 27 April 2014

IICD Jaipur Certificate Programme Admission 2014-2015 application form download Entrance Test prospectus date

IICD Jaipur Certificate Programme Admission 2014-2015 application form download Entrance Test prospectus date 

Indian Institute of Crafts and Design (IICD Jaipur)

IICD Jaipur Admission 2014-2015

Certificate Programme in Craft Management & Entrepreneurship (CPCME)
Certificate Programme in Crafts Design & Techniques (CPCDT)
Certificate Programme Foundation Course in Fashion & Design (CPFCFD)
Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Craft Design
Under Graduate Professional Diploma in Craft Design

The entrance examination process fee in the form of Demand Draft in Favor of Indian Institute of Crafts & Design Payable at Jaipur, Rajasthan

Completely filled up application form along with the important documents and Demand Draft should be sent to The Admission Incharge, Indian Institute of Crafts & Design, J-8, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jhalana, jaipur, Rajasthan-302004
Entrance Test: 12th July, 2014
Last date for Submission form: 23rd June, 2014

Indian Institute of Crafts and Design (IICD Jaipur)
For details visit