Thursday, 17 April 2014

Symbiosis MSc BSc in Economics Admission 2014-2015 prospectus fees form

Symbiosis  MSc BSc in Economics Admission 2014-2015 prospectus fees form 

Symbiosis School of Economics (SSE Pune) 

Admission 2014-2015

MSc in Economics
Bachelor of Science (BSc) (Economics)

A candidate can register for one paper from the morning session viz Law or Engineering or Health Sciences and one paper from the afternoon session viz. General or Design Register at
This will generate your SET ID
You need to upload latest scanned photograph (in the given format and size) of own at the time of online registration.
Pay a non-refundable fee of Rs 1400/- towards the Test Fee and the prospectus of undergraduate programmes of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) The SIDU Admission Cell will courier a copy of prospectus to the address registered at

Symbiosis School of Economics (SSE Pune) 
For details visit