Entrance Exam 2014-2015
IGTC Entrance Test 2014
Indo-German Training Centre, Mumbai established in 1991 followed by the IGTC, Chennai in 2005 and the IGTC, Bangalore in 2008
It is a training wing of the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) that conducts business administration programs
Application Procedure
Students can download the application form from website. The cost of the application form and prospectus is Rs. 1000/-. Payments are accepted in cash or demand draft drawn in favour of the ‘Indo-German Training Centre’.
Important Dates:
Admissions Open for Batch 2014-2016:December 2013
Last date of submission of Application forms:15th April, 2014
Written Test / GD:3rd and 4th May 2014
Personal Interviews:10th and 11th June 2014
Programme Commences:August 2014
For details visit http://mumbai.igtcindia.com/