Sunday, 18 May 2014

BPSMV Sonipat BTech MTech Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus Application Form download fees dates entrance test

BPSMV Sonipat BTech MTech Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus Application Form download fees dates entrance test 

Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, BPSMV, Sonipat

BPS Women University Admission 2014-2015

Master of Technology (MTech)
Bachelor of Technology (BTech)

The Prospectus-cum-Application Forms can also be downloaded from the University's website. Such application(s) must be sent to the concerned Chairperson/Principal of the Dept/College of the University alongwith DD of Rs. 250/-for General Category and Rs. 65/- for SC/ST/BC categories of Haryana. Applications received after due date will not be considered.

Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, BPSMV, Sonipat
For details visit