Saturday, 24 May 2014

Gauhati University MCom Integrated Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus application form download dates fees

Gauhati University MCom Integrated Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus application form download dates fees  

Gauhati University, GU, Assam

Admission 2014-2015

Master of Commerce (MCom) Integrated

Prospectus and Admission Forms are available in the office of the Gauhati University Publication Department (GUPD), from 12th May 2014 to 30th May, 2014 on payment of Rs. 400/- (250/-for Prospectus plus Rs 150/-for Entrance Test) in the University Cash Counter or through an SBI Bank Draft in favour of“Registrar, Gauhati University” payable at SBI, G.U. Branch
Prospectus and Admission Forms are also available in the Department of Commerce on deposit of the Bank Draft of Rs. 400/- (No cash will be accepted).

Gauhati University, GU, Assam
For details visit