Monday, 19 May 2014

Mody University MUST PhD MCA BTech MTech Admission 2014-2015 application form download fees dates

Mody University MUST PhD MCA BTech MTech Admission 2014-2015 application form download fees dates 

Mody University of Science and Technology, MUST, Lakshmangarh

Admission 2014-2015

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Technology (MTech)
Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
Master of Computer Application (MCA)

Download the PDF of the application form and send the filled in form along with a demand draft for Rs 600/- drawn in favour of MITS-FET, payable at Lakshmangarh or Sikar to Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Mody Institute of Technology and Science, Lakshmangarh, Dist Sikar, Rajasthan-332311

Please read all the instructions carefully on the application form before filling it complete the application form online or download it for submitting a hard copy application

Mody University of Science and Technology, MUST, Lakshmangarh
For details visit