Tuesday, 27 May 2014

www.lpu.in LPU Jalandhar BTech Admission 2014-2015 form date fees prospectus download entrance test

www.lpu.in LPU Jalandhar BTech Admission 2014-2015 form date fees prospectus download entrance test 

Lovely Professional University, LPU, Jalandhar

Admission 2014-2015

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) (Information Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (BTech) (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Admission Procedure: Merit in the qualifying exam
For International candidates (NRI/PIO/Foreign Nationals residing outside India)
Apart from fulfilling the admission procedure for Indian applicants, International applicants (NRI/PIO/Foreign Nationals Residing outside India) must fulfill the special requisites as under: 
TOEFL (code for LPU 3861)/IELTS (http://bandscore.ielts.org/) score will be required from the International applicants whose medium of study has not been English.

Lovely Professional University, LPU, Jalandhar
Website: www.lpu.in 
For details visit www.lpu.in