Saturday, 24 May 2014

SRM University BPT MPharm MSc MBA Admission 2014-2015 Application form download prospectus dates fees

SRM University BPT MPharm MSc MBA Admission 2014-2015 Application form download prospectus dates fees 

SRM University, SRMU, Chennai 

SRM University Admission 2014-2015

MPharm in Pharmacy Practice
MSc Medical Anatomy
Bachelor of Physiotherapy BPT
MBA Hospital & Health System Management
BSc Allied Health Sciences
Doctor of Pharmacy DPharm

By post from the Registrar on requisition with a Demand Draft for Rs 600/- (Rupees Six hundred only) drawn in favor of “Sri Ramachandra University, Porur Chennai, Tamilnadu-116” mentioning clearly the name of the course or

In person by paying Rs 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) at the University Office or

by downloading from the (Enclose a Demand Draft for Rs 500/- along with filled in application)
Application forms are also downloaded from the given

SRM University, SRMU, Chennai 
Tamil Nadu 
For details visit