Sunday, 18 May 2014

Nirma University Institute of Law LLM Admission 2014-2015 application form download fees dates

Nirma University Institute of Law LLM Admission 2014-2015 application form download fees dates 

Nirma University Institute of Law, NUIL, Ahmedabad

Admission 2014-2015

Master of Law (LLM)

Download application form from and submit the completed forms along with demand draft of Rs.2000/- favouring Institute of Law, Nirma University payable at Ahmedabad; or
Obtain the application form directly from the Institute or through authorized centres on payment
Please endorse Demand Draft drawn in favour of "Institute of Law, Nirma University" payable at Ahmedabad of Rs.2000/- in case of application form downloaded from the website.

Nirma University Institute of Law, NUIL, Ahmedabad
For details visit