Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Maharashtra DM MCh Superspeciality Entrance Test 2014-2015 Online Registration Application form Result dates fees admission

Maharashtra DM MCh Superspeciality Entrance Test 2014-2015 Online Registration Application form Result dates fees admission 

Entrance Exam 2014-2015

Maharashtra DM MCh Superspeciality Entrance Test 2014

Government of Maharashtra will be conducting the Superspeciality Entrance Examination - MH SSET 2014 for selection of candidates for admission to all DM and M.Ch Superspeciality Courses at the Medical Colleges / Institutions in the state of Maharashtra in the academic year 2014-15

The Prerequisite Qualifications for DM / MCh courses:
DM Course - Prerequisite Qualification(s)
1.     Cardiology: MD (Medicine) /MD (Pediatrics)/MD (Respiratory Medicine*)
2.     Clinical Haematology: MD (Biochemistry) / MD (Medicine)/MD (Paediatrics) / MD (Pathology)
3.     Clinical Pharmacology: MD (Pharmacology)
4.     Endocrinology: MD (Medicine) /MD (Paediatrics)
5.     Medical Gastroenterology: MD (Medicine)
6.     Neonatology: MD (Paediatrics)
7.     Nephrology: MD (Medicine) / MD (Paediatrics)
8.     Neurology: MD (Medicine) / MD (Paediatrics)
9.     Cardiac Anaesthesia: MD Anaesthesia
10. Paediatric Anaesthesia: MD Anaesthesia
M.Ch Course - Prerequisite Qualification(s)
1.     Cardiovascular Thoracic: Surgery (CVTS) MS (Surgery)
2.     Urology: MS (Surgery)
3.     Neuro Surgery: MS (Surgery)
4.     Paediatric Surgery: MS (Surgery)
Plastic Surgery: MS (Surgery)

Important Dates:
Online Registration & filling Application form: 23/05/2014 to 30/05/2014
Date of Examination: 08/06/2014 (Sunday)
For details visit http://www.dmer.org/