Tuesday, 27 May 2014

UAS Bangalore BSc BTech Admission 2014-2015 prospectus form date fees www.uasbangalore.edu.in

University of Agricultural Sciences, UAS, Bangalore

Admission 2014-2015

Bachelor of Science (BSc)
BTech in Agricultural Engineering

The filled-in application should be submitted to THE REGISTRAR, UAS, GKVK, and BANGALORE-65 ONLY on or before the last date. Late and incomplete applications are liable to be rejected. The Admission is governed by Govt. Orders/ UAS Act (1963) / Statues and UAS (B) Regulations issued from time to time. Refer prospectus for other details and all other conditions prescribed therein are also applicable, Login at www.uasbangalore.edu.in for details. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay.

University of Agricultural Sciences, UAS, Bangalore
Website: www.uasbangalore.edu.in 
For details visit www.uasbangalore.edu.in