Thursday, 22 May 2014

CIPET Chennai BTech MTech Admission 2014-2015 Application form Brochure download fees dates entrance test

CIPET Chennai BTech MTech Admission 2014-2015 Application form Brochure download fees dates entrance test 

Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, CIPET, Chennai

CIPET Chennai Admission 2014-2015

BTech (Manufacturing Engineering / Technology)
BTech (Plastics Engineering and Technology)
MTech (Polymer Nano Technology)
MTech (Plastics Technology)

Information Brochure and Application form can be obtained from any of CIPET Centres against payment of Rs. 100/- for general candidates and Rs. 25/- for SC/ST candidates in cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of “CIPET” A/c No. 10565622390 payable at Chennai and the form can also be downloaded from our website. Candidates belong to North - Eastern states can get the application forms and apply on free of cost by producing their residential proof / appropriate support documents.

Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, CIPET, Chennai
Tamil Nadu 
For details visit