Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Dr B R Ambedkar University PGDECCE PGDP Admission 2014-2015 GD/PI dates fees test

Dr B R Ambedkar University PGDECCE PGDP Admission 2014-2015 GD/PI dates fees test 

Dr B R Ambedkar University, DBRAU, Delhi

Admission 2014-2015

PG Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education (PGDECCE)
PG Diploma in Publishing (PGDP)

Candidates should apply by registering on-line by visiting our website and making payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 500/- for SC/ST/PD). Payment can be made either on-line or through Demand Draft made in favour of `Registrar, Ambedkar University, Delhi’. Eligible applicants will be invited to take an online Admission Test. Candidates short listed on the basis of scores obtained in the Admission Test, will be invited for Group Discussion and Personal Interview (GD/PI). 

Dr B R Ambedkar University, DBRAU, Delhi
For details visit