Sunday, 18 May 2014 Kota University Admission 2014-2015 MSc MIB MA MPEd application form download fees dates Kota University Admission 2014-2015 MSc MIB MA MPEd application form download fees dates 

University of Kota, UOK, Kota 

Kota University Admission 2014-2015

MSc (Biotechnology; Microbiology Biochemistry; Bioinformatics)
Master of Physical Education (MPEd)
MA (Heritage, Tourism and Museology) 
Master in International Business (MIB)

Candidates can download admission form from the website and submit filled admission form to the Head of the Department along with DD of Rs. 300/-.
Admission Form can be purchased by cash / DD of Rs. 300/- from the following places:
Office of the Dean, Postgraduate Studies, Room No. 312, Administrative Building, University of Kota.

University of Kota, UOK, Kota 
Rajasthan in 
For details visit