Monday, 2 June 2014

BJB Autonomous College MFC MAJMC Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus Application Form fees dates

BJB Autonomous College MFC MAJMC Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus Application Form fees dates 

BJB Autonomous College, BJBAC, Bhubaneswar

Admission 2014-2015

Master of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication (MAJMC)
Master in Finance and Control (MFC)
Integrated Master of Science in Bio-Informatics (IMsc BI)

Application Form cum Prospectus can be available at the College counter on payment of Rs. 150/-(Rupees One Hundred Fifty) only in cash between 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM on all working days.
Application Forms and Prospectus can also be obtained by post on payment of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred) only each through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Principal, B J B Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar – 751014

BJB Autonomous College, BJBAC, Bhubaneswar
BJB Nagar 
For details visit