Wednesday, 4 June 2014 RIGIHM MBA Admission 2014-2015 application form

RIG Institute of Hospitality and Management, RIGIHM, New Delhi

Admission 2014-2015

Certificate in Food Production and F&B Services (CFPFBS)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Certificate Course in Hotel management
PG Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management (PGDIHTM)

Request for the admission brochure for all the programmes may be sent to our admission office on payment of Rs. 100/-. The brochure has an application form which can be detached and sent back to the given address with an additional application fee of Rs. 200/- This would make up for the full application fee of Rs 300. Students who download the application form from our website may send it with the full application fee of Rs300/. 

RIG Institute of Hospitality and Management, RIGIHM, New Delhi
New Delhi 
For details visit