Sunday, 1 June 2014

FSM Delhi PGDM Admission 2014-2015 part time form date fees entrance test

Fore School of Management PGDM Admission 2014-2015 part time form date fees entrance test 

Fore School of Management, FSM, New Delhi

Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Part Time (BATCH-XXIII)

The Prospectus and Application Form can be obtained by Cash payment of Rs. 1600/- at FORE School of Management, New Delhi (Reception).Pay order /DD of Rs. 1650/- for using Downloaded form/through post in favour of “FORE School of Management” payable at New Delhi.
 Online submission and payment through Debit /Credit card at
Selection Procedure: Consistent academic record, work experience and performance in written test and personal interview.

Fore School of Management, FSM, New Delhi
New Delhi 
For details visit