Sunday, 1 June 2014 NLSIU Bangalore MBL PGDEL PGDCRL Admission 2014-2015 Distance Education application form date fees NLSIU Bangalore MBL PGDEL PGDCRL Admission 2014-2015 Distance Education application form date fees 

National Law School of India University, NLSIU, Bangalore
Distance Education Department

Admission 2014-2015

Master of Business Laws (MBL)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law (PGDEL
Post Graduate Diploma in Child Rights Law (PGDCRL

For application to any of the above, kindly write to The Coordinator, Distance Education Department, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560242 (Old Pin 560072), along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 1,500/-drawn in favour of Registrar, NLSIU and payable at Bangalore.

National Law School of India University, NLSIU, Bangalore
Bangalore University 
For details visit