Thursday, 5 June 2014

NPTI Haryana BTech BE Admission 2014-2015 Thermal Power Plant Engineering Application form Prospectus

NPTI Haryana Admission 2014-2015 BTech BE in Thermal Power Plant Engineering Application form Prospectus 

National Power Training Institute (NPTI Haryana)

NPTI Faridabad Admission 2014-2015

Post Graduate Diploma Course in Thermal Power Plant Engineering

B.Tech / B.E in Thermal Power Plant Engineering with min. 50 % Marks 
Category: Engineering and other Technical Studies

Application form along with the Prospectus would be available on NPTI website. The application Form can be downloaded from the ( and should be sent along with a crossed Demand Draft of Rs 1,000/- (Rs 500/- for SC/ST and Rs 250/- for Haryana SC/ST candidates) in favour of National Power Training Institute payable at Faridabad. 

National Power Training Institute, NPTI, Haryana
For details visit