Thursday, 5 June 2014 LLRIET MBA MCA BTech Admission 2014-2015 MTech application fees Entrance Exam

LLRIET MBA MCA BTech Admission 2014-2015 MTech application fees Entrance Exam

Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering and Technology, LLRIET, Punjab

LLRIET Admission 2014-2015

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
MTECH (Thermal Engineering)
Bachelor of Technology BTech
Master of Computer Application (MCA)

Admission Cell comprises of a team dedicated to conducting admissions annually along with guiding potential candidates at every stage of their admission. This team has a goal of enrolling enough students that would be an asset to the institution.

To perform all these tasks successfully, the college has a dedicated admission cell headed by Mrs. Kamaljeet Kaur to provide students with a brilliant platform, allowing them to grow in a much better environment for their all round development.

Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering and Technology, LLRIET, Punjab
Affiliating by Punjab Technical University 
For details visit