Monday, 9 June 2014

Sri Aurobindo Medical College MCh DM Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus application form entrance exam DMAT

Sri Aurobindo Medical College MCh DM Admission 2014-2015 Prospectus application form entrance exam DMAT

Sri Aurobindo Medical College, SAMC, Indore

Admission 2014-2015

MCh Surgical Oncology
MCh Neuro Surgery
DM Reproductive Medicine
DM Gastroenterology
DM Neurology

Application Form: Prospectus and application forms for DMAT-2014 entrance examination may be obtained by post from the Institute on requisition with a demand draft for Rs 2500/- add Rs 200/- as postal charges
In person by paying Rs 2500/- from the Institute office
Online by downloading from the website (enclose a demand draft for Rs 2500/- along with filled in application form)
Demand draft to be made in the name of APDMC payable at Bhopal

Sri Aurobindo Medical College, SAMC, Indore
For details visit