Tuesday, 3 June 2014

www.upes.ac.in UPES BDes MDes BFA Admission 2014-2015 prospectus application form date fees

UPES BDes MDes BFA Admission 2014-2015 prospectus application form date fees 

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, UPES, Dehradun

Admission 2014-2015

MDes in Industrial Design
Bachelor in Design (BDes)
Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA) (Design Arts)

Application Procedure
Candidates need to apply online.
·       Candidates can collect UPES prospectus and application form by sending a demand draft in favour of "UPES Fee Account", payable at New Delhi/Dehradun along with request letter or by cash payment from admission counters at Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Cochin Coimbatore, Delhi, Dehradun, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai.
·       The cost of the prospectus and application form by demand draft/online is Rs.1850/- and Rs.1750/- by cash.

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, UPES, Dehradun
Website: www.upes.ac.in  
For details visit www.upes.ac.in