Tuesday, 3 June 2014

BNADA Diploma in Dramatic Arts Acting Admission 2014-2015 fees application form date

BNADA Diploma in Dramatic Arts Acting Admission 2014-2015 fees application form date 

Bhartendu Natya Academy of Dramatic Arts, BNADA, Lucknow

Admission 2014-2015

Diploma Course in Acting
Diploma in Dramatic Arts

Admission form along with prospectus can be obtained from B.N.A office on payment of Rs. 400/- by cash or by money order or bank draft in favour of Director, Bhartendu Natya Academy, Lucknow.

Fee: Fee is chargeable for the training. Scholarship of Rs 2000/- per month awarded to the students to cover tuition fees, hostel fees, educational material etc.

Bhartendu Natya Academy of Dramatic Arts, BNADA, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh 
Website: www.bnapositive.org   
For details visit www.bnapositive.org