Tuesday, 3 June 2014

www.cept.ac.in CEPT MTech MPlan MIAD Admission 2014-2015 form date entrance test

CEPT MTech MPlan MIAD Admission 2014-2015 form date entrance test 

Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology, CEPT, Ahmedabad

Admission 2014-2015

Master of Technology (MTech Structural Design)
Master of Interior Architecture and Design (MIAD)
Master of Planning (MPlan Urban and Regional Planning)
Master of Technology (Infrastructure Engineering & Management)
Master of Planning (Urban Transport Planning and Management)

Admission Requirement
A Bachelors Degree in Architecture or equivalent recognized by the Council of Architecture. Candidates appearing for the final examinations can also apply, if selected will be admitted provisionally. They will need to complete all requirements for obtaining the degree latest by date of registration for first semester and must produce evidence of having passed in their degree examination.

Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology, CEPT, Ahmedabad
Website: www.cept.ac.in   
For details visit www.cept.ac.in